Saluce picked up on her absence of mentioning weapons, and as he opened the door the shop laid in front of them. The wall across from them held his suit of armor, along with his two broadswords, his two handed hammer, and other various small weapons. As the room opened up more the anvil sat in the middle of the room, behind it sat the forge with its bellows to the right. Weapons and armor didn’t dominate the shop completely, other things like, iron fencing, nails, screws, chain, and in the very back sat several boxes with his precious metals, gold, and silver.

“I don’t make jewelry. The closest thing to artwork is the engraving and plating work I do with swords, and armor. If you’d like to look the detail can be seen much easier up close.” He offered her a smile as he gestured with his hand for her to walk and look at what she pleased. While she walked around he moved to another room to look for something she might find interesting.

Finally he emerged from the other room with an old style metal syringe, rusted but he knew she might take an interest in the object if for nothing else as a decoration.

“I found this one day in Halifax, It used to serve as some sort of way to injection medicine into the skin. It’s yours if you want it? I don’t have any use for it,” his tail wagged and he gave her a smile, as he offered her the object. It really wasn’t anything he’d use but since the doctor was in he gathered she might have an interest in it.

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