our last year on earth
She searched his eyes as he searched his face. Were they okay? he was still hers, right? She stroked his face lovingly, studying him. I don't know if you remember, love, but you were bit by a rattler. I've done the best i can. You've been asleep for three days....you had a bad fever, and were delerious.

She paused, then managed a laugh from somewhere. it wasn't funny, but she would treat it lightly. You thought I was Summer.... She shrugged, the pain flickering in her eyes briefly. She kissed his forehead gently. You'll be okay now, but i want you to stay still. You'll be getting broths and teas fora day or two. I couldn't get you to eat anything solid while you were out...so we need to work you back up to it.

Naniko had the boys now. It was okay.

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