I'm runnin after you
If it was posible, her face felt warmer as he complimented her sketch. It was her. The black bands of fur on her wrists were visable, both in the picture and on her own person. Thin lines of black decortaing her two frontwrists, scars from long ago suicide attempts. She never felt depressed like THAT anymore. No reason to.

Unconciously, she leaned closer to the male, hs gaze drawing her like a moth to flame. His eyes caressed her body and she shivered lightly, feeling their touch as keenly as she would have felt his fingers following the same path. Oh, yes. The mother was very attracted to this male. VERY.

The thought of Lucifer crossed her mind, but she didn't move her gaze from the male. Bi-colored eyes gave welcome, invitation. Would she dare cross the line between dreaming and pretending? She didn't know. She wouldn't make the fist move. She wasn't that kind of gal. She was much much more submissive.

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