why do you build me u[p], buttercup?
Pssh, no worries! Anything fun/interesting for the courses? :o

Barrett considered his options. He could down-shift, maybe, and slip out of the straps as he shrunk... but then he'd be awkwardly dangling there, if only briefly, and he was worried he might dislocate a limb in the process. As fond as he was of the backpack, he'd sooner sacrifice it than one of his own appendages. He could just suck it up deal with whatever wrath the sticks chose to inflict upon his poor back, but that didn't sound particularly fun either. He raised one hand and grasped at one of the thicker overhanging boughs. He tested his weight on it and it seemed to hold. Maybe he could hoist himself up or flip upside down or...

Hello!! He started just slightly, eyes wide and hackles raised, as a shadow addressed him unexpectedly from the darkness. It was a knee-jerk reaction for a creature left vulnerable and exposed, but once his brain had half a second to process what was going on he calmed significantly. His ears fell back and his cheeks flushed hot with embarrassment. "Erm, hey," he offered awkwardly, but then he couldn't help but laugh. The situation was entirely too ridiculous. "That would be great, thank you," he replied graciously with a few friendly tail wags and a sheepish smile. Smooth. So much for first impressions.

His pale yellow eyes sought out her form in the darkness; he couldn't make out anything beyond a ghastly (yet feminine) silhouette. Her accent had been very thick, although it was one he did not recognise. Fortunately, Barrett was used to "listening through" accents. His mother's was as Irish as they came, as were the Alphas' in his birth pack. Another member of their ranks hailed from Australia, while his father and present Consul retained light Italian accents. "So where are you from?" he tried conversationally.

While Barrett was adventurous enough, he always found the extensive journeys others undertook mind boggling. Then again, this female had a cool, confident air about her. He couldn't put his finger on it, but she seemed in her element somehow, despite being so far away from wherever it was she'd been born. "Name's Barrett, by the way," he added at last.

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