The Hunter
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The younger wolf appeared to be nervous. It seemed at times he had that affect upon others, though it was never his intention to be intimidating. Though as she spoke and introduced herself and her purpose for searching him out it all became more clear. She was a new member, and apparently had chosen the path of the hunter. Until Saxif had appeared just now, Nayati had been the only hunter for some time in the tribe. He had managed fine, but it was always better to have more than one providing for AniWaya. That was even more the case since his mate was expecting puppies and he would be focusing more on her eating and well being until their children were born. Saxif's nerves were now understandable, for he likely would have also been nervous if their roles had been reversed. He remembered well when he had gone and asked to train under the experienced hunters in the Great Tribe.

Soon the wolfess gathered her strength and courage though, and spoke again with more fervor and confidence than she had just moments before. When she called him "great" he almost laughed, but wrestled that response back down into his chest; he did not want Saxif to think that he was laughing at her. "I would be happy to teach you the ways of the hunter Saxif," he said genially. She already had the most important tool, which was the desire to learn. "So tell me, what form do you prefer to hunt in?" Many in these parts seemed to prefer their four legged forms, and as she was in that form at the moment he was curious to see if she were the same. If that were so, he would not be able to teach her his particular way of hunting, but that could be worked around.


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