someone's standing on my chest

Not yet familiar with the dynamics of using his nose purely for the scent of navigation (which was a little ironic, considering canines used their nose for the most important means of detection), the D'Angelo made his ways through the tunnel by dim sight alone. The dark walls of the cave were beginning to grow a little redundant, seeing as how he didn't stumble upon a significant finding of a den forking off to anywhere or a room collected with ruined treasures of humans. Helios continued to mull forth until a voice from what seemed like behind him announced his presence in Anathema, and the D'Angelo stopped dead in his tracks. Spinning around on his Doc Marten boots, jade eyes squinted hard to see the figure that directed their tone to him. It no doubt startled him, as much as Helios didn't like to admit it did.

Not able to see the fine details correctly, the figure was of a pale color enough to see his outline. There were blotches of what were colors mottled across him, but there were colors he couldn't readily identify in this dim setting. His pelt was most certainly of a lighter hue as Helios noted, but other than that, distinguishable colors couldn't be told unless they approached another face to face (which in this setting, Helios was a little unwilling to do). The man spoke with a deep, almost accented like voice. It seemed this Luperci was well aware that Helios was a new addition to Anathema, and letting somewhat of an awkward silence reign between them momentarily, Helios carefully chose his response. "I am." It was simple, but didn't elaborate on anything else.


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