Defy the laws of physics..
It was as if the man thought of her as either stupid, or was just toying with her. She thought perhaps it was both. The raven goddess watched him as he dared take steps closer to her and she remained stead fast on the place she stood. As he walked forward he spoke to her in such a voice that would fool any woman that had a false sense of security into believing anything the man said. With him coming long enough to leave his stench around she knew it matched this very demon that stood before her.

"Don't try to fool me with your words of mockery, demon. I am one of the oldest women here and the packs medic."

Though most women would run away screaming right about now, she was more curious as to why he continued to offended the laws of Phoenix Valley. The moon glistened on his body showing the kind of strength he possessed all the while his arrogance. Though he had an attractive body, the very intentions he had disfigured it into something rather distasteful. Though he possibly thought of the same about her, she could care less. This demon was trespassing on her lands and raping the women of the pack. It was something she could not allow but by not being as strong as he, how was she able to fight him off if he attacked? Granted she was not as strong as the male she could possibly out run him. Especially in the trees.

"Tell me, what do you get in return for trespassing on our lands, raping our women and doing as you please on our lands which are all offenses that pertain to a death penalty. Why risk your very life into doing these things when you can do them in your own pack lands?"

The raven interrogated. Lucifer still kept creeping closer, even after giving a false name, as if testing the waters to see how close he could get. A few more steps from him and she had to take a step back in case if he decided to pounce. She had heard of his tactics he used and would not fall for such trickery. Or was it perhaps he was trying to gain her trust to win her over? All Angel wanted to do was find out the intentions for his actions and then kill him when she had the chance, though she figured Jefferson would get to that first eventually. Even if he was missing an arm.

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