Dog and dog

"I hardly care about your name, tell me as you please," came the pilgrim's instant and disdainful rejoinder. "The last part I will answer, as one Miracles dweller to another. I am walking these borders and keeping warm. I notice that you've found another way to do that," she added, the alcohol scent hung around him like the fog that drifted across the unseasonal landscape. She couldn't wait for the burn of true, high summer when her coat would be loose and fine, dry and airy as it was meant to be. She was no wolf, with the layers of waterproof and cosy coat. "I'd turn your question back at you but I think I can already guess the answer. If I'm right, perhaps you will share some with me and we can discuss our identities further?" She supposed he wasn't going to relent on the idea of names and other such details, but if he had a bottle lurking somewhere, Caspa was certainly not against the idea of getting further acquainted with the rowdy-sounding little dog.

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