The needle pulls the thread..
Been trying to think of something to get this thread going for a while, but my mind just keeps drawing a blank, because Connor would most likely have ignored Zexion in the first place :p, here goes..

Taking the wolf's gruff demeanor at face value, Connor smiled back, an easy smile that he had practiced for a long time to perfect. If you couldn't understand most emotions it was always much easier to fake it. He sat down on a rock across from the other, and looked him over. "I get the feeling that you don't really like talking to others, and if that is the case, feel free to tell me to move on, and I will, but it is nice to meet you, Zexion. I've not been around our kind for what feels like a long time, and it's good to smell this scent again." he paused for a second, realising that he was probably just irritating the other, and stood up again.

"Sorry, I babble too much. I'll leave you be, but if you ever find yourself, or one of the others in the pack injured, please bring them by my den, I'd like to make myself useful around here in one way or another." he said to the other before moving a few steps away, letting the wolf have some distance.


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