Paint me beautiful

So beautifully wrong

"That looks fine" She agreed, stopping with her scraping. She grabbed a paintbrush from the ground and reached down, cracking the top of the bucket open. "This is perfect--it'll look great" Naniko was large, bigger than most her age and species, and she could almost reach up the entire wall of the place without anything to stand on. She'd have to bring a rock or a small ladder over to get the higher stuff.

She was reaching up and starting the first stroke when he spoke, and she paused to look at him. "Lucifer..." When he continued she finished the brushstroke then stood back. ", there's nothing I could give you to make you forget. You two had something really special once, didn't you? There has to be some way for you to bring it back" That was what being in a relationship was all about, wasn't it? "We talked about this...about how relationships take work."

And he had children to take care of! His own! She could care for Sirius and Apollo if she needed to, but Lucifer was the other two's father. He couldn't take it back. "You have a family that you should be worrying about. It might seem like a good idea now to leave Deuce and go off with someone else...but you made a promise to her when you two decided to try and have children. You have to at least be there for know?"


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