Dog and dog

With the name, her suspicions were raised to extremity. Was he serious, or was it a double-bluff, a barely concealed pseudonym, so obvious that she was meant to assume that he would never have made something like that up? "Mysterious... Brute," she muttered skeptically, but he had moved on already to complain about the weather. Although as dogs they were both a little susceptible to the harsher climates, Caspa was just glad the winter was over, and had no inclination to criticise the damp but bearable springtime. "Since the close of winter. I was glad to escape the snow here. What brought you to our borders?" Her words were clipped, merely informative. Compared to his sprawl she was fastidiously upright, not defensive, although it was her way to remain alert and poised. Her eyes continued to roam, taking in the cluttered quarters. Her own man-made den, or room, was pristine and empty. Had he found all this stuff here, or brought it somehow, she wondered.


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