The world turns once more

OOC: rawr. the playing of venom shooting marahute in the wing was approved oocly. +5

It was hard staying withing the packlands for these two wanderers who wandered half of their lives just to get here and settle here for however long they would be staying here. They had joined a family here so it would be hard to leave, but they always did know that they were welcome back if they ever found their leave to be extended for more than a couple of weeks. As of now, they had no intention of leaving their pack, for they had no reason to think about moving. The wolvens within Anathema not only seemed to keep to themselves, but the ones that Panda and Venom had the pleasure of meeting had been rather friendly with the exception for a drunken wolf that she had met and tried to help with no avail. That didn't matter though, she was quite happy with where she was going, she even got a promotion to Furcas, a lowest of the healers, but atleast she had been put into the right field. She was quite happy about it, even though her best friend still sat at the bottom Zepar ranks. Maybe one day the male will decide if he wants to be a warrior or a hunter or what.

Panda had been walking along towards Halifax when she had decided that it had been time to find some food. Her half ears fell back on her head before she had looked to her friend, who followed her in the trees, jumping from branch to branch, crawling in the shadows that cast from the trees onto his coal, cream and chocolate fur. What Pander? the man asked, his hazel gaze casting down onto the snow and coal, panda bear pelted woman. The woman had stopped walking by now and she put her hand on her hip, her fingers making sure to spread to where she wouldn't have to worry about a stud-spike impaling her hand. I'm hungry... the woman complained to him. It had been time for them to eat, and Venom nodded his head lightly to her. He did not have his axes on him today, so ground work might have been hard. Venom did have his bow and arrows though. We'll hunt then. Something smaller, I only have a few arrows. the man spoke to her. Panda nodded her head and then continued to walk. She started to scent the air for food, but was only getting a scent of another near by wolf.

Venom himself though had been looking up towards the sky, and he had found the highest tree that he could, and he was scoping the area until he had seen a rather large bird fly by. He was quick to take his bow to his hands as grab an arrow from his pouch and he aimed at the large bird (he ignored the fact that it was a hawk, he just wanted meat and that was a big bird) and he released the arrow, it slicing through the air, and hitting it's target in the wing. It's coming down, Panda! called Venom, whom moved out of the tree as fast as he could to see Panda running off in the direction of the distressed bird that would become their lunch.

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