[M] - There is a time when the circle must close

The searing pain that shot though his arm, Lucifer snarled as he twisted his head to the side, to bite down upon anything that his mouth could bite down upon. The brown male had a death grip upon his arms, and it had seemed that kicking him in the gut did not help get the male away from him; Lucifer had thought that this was going to be fairly easy. Stab him once maybe twice, and the male would submit to him or either die. Either way, Lucifer would walk away knowing that he could once again go back to doing whatever he so pleased. That was the plan of course and sometime, just sometimes the plans do not happen as planned. With one fluid motion like he had been planning and plotting for this day for years, maybe since the day they first meet. The brown male knocked the dagger out of his hand, and then twisted this arm into one of the most painful places. Lucifer wanted to shred him, kill him, maw him. Every little thing that he could do to hurt the male, and maybe even kill. The black monster was quickly brought down to his knees trying to twist out of the embrace that Jefferson had his arm in. His eyes watched the male, trying to time his moves and his breathing as his black hand swiftly went out at his thought. With a soft laugh Lucifer watched the one eyed monster. ”Awww you missed me that much you want to play rough?”


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