[M] the places I could not see

Word Count » 503

the world shudders as the worm gets its wings

So this was power -- the ability to dictate what another did to their very actions, physical strength or not. She would not have beaten Larkspur if they had clashed, head to head. She might not have even been able to put so much as a scratch on the man; Eris was not experienced in the ways of fighting, and Larkspur outweighed and out-muscled her. Still, his ears and eyes dropped to the ground, the rage draining quickly from his demeanor as what might have been meekness instead settled over him. The hybrid watched him, caution thudding in her chest, though her exterior belied only cold calm.

She was not so foolish as to believe his anger had evaporated entirely; instead, the sable shaded woman's eyes followed him, narrowing in a ploy of suspicion. As the pale tongue lapped at her flesh, drawing the blood away from it, the hybrid shielded her surprise, masking it beyond that sneaking suspicious look. She had not expected him to acquiesce so quickly. Eris thought him a creature of blind instinct and simple accord. It did not surprise her that he would follow; the sable coyote hybrid had never considered him to be the type to lead, but she had expected more of a fight, more anger. He pleased her, now, more than she had expected, and he surprised her, too.

When he was done, the coal hybrid drew her hand back to herself and giving it a cursory and faintly disdainful glance, her chartreuse eyes were quick to roll back toward Larkspur, pointedly allowing the silence to stretch between them as she did. She knew what she intended to do, but he needn't know that -- the dark woman thought she might dangle him over uncertainty for at least a few minutes and provide him with discomfort. Her own nervousness had utterly disappeared, perhaps replaced by an overzealousness to enforce her pack's law and her own power, but she herself was not such a fool as to overstep herself, even here. Shove at Larkspur again, and he might not stop so easily.

“You will be my mate,” she said, finally, chartreuse eyes flickering to his white-tinged face to focus there, hardened gaze drawing on his own. Though the inverse obviously applied as well, the hybrid saw no need to be egalitarian. Larkspur would be hers; if the dark man fancied she belonged to him, that would be fine, as well, so long as he did not overstep his boundaries. “We will raise these children together, and we will pretend for all the world we are a proper couple. As for what you do in your own time, I don't give a fuck,” she said, rolling an indifferent shoulder. It did not matter to her where he put his dick, and she would not allow him to dictate whose dick went into her. So long as he might pretend for her, for Salvia and Pandemic, and for these new children brewing in her belly, it mattered not.

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