The Flock Have come.
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WC: 436 OOC: Sorry it took me so long ; ;

The girl explained why she couldn’t ride yet, and it was quite understandable, though it wasn’t like she was going to berate anyone for not teaching her how to ride a horse. No that was not the way Liliana did things. As long as she knew she wasn’t stepping on anyone’s feet she would do things herself, and as this was her field, she would teach Ayasha how to ride.

“It’s ok we can rectify your inability right now and you can be proud to say you can ride a horse.”

She wouldn’t say the girl wasn’t an AniWayan because she couldn’t ride, there were others in the pack that couldn’t either, it was their choice to ride or not to, she would always be there to give them the opportunity to learn. At the question of the horses’ name Liliana quickly answered.

“This is Grace, for she takes after the horses of her ancestors, she moves as though she were flying through the air.”

Liliana said, and then another question came and she couldn’t help but smile wide at this, many were impatient to get things and learn them. She knew this from experience

“To be able to know how to ride only a few hours, but to become a true horseman, it takes many years of practice. To know how to move with the horse, but I think you want to at least know how to do commands on a horse, that would take you a couple of weeks but it’s all worth it I promise you, now let’s get her over to the tack area, normally I would bring it to her, but seeing as I shouldn’t carry things too far It would be best to do it the other way around.”

She said, opening the stall. The horse had no halter, she didn’t need one, not with Liliana anyway, she knew what was going on and as she saw the familiar motion to follow, the mare moved towards Liliana as she brought the horse to the tack room. The woman, though fully of child, was not weighed down by them. She was still as agile as she had been without the gift of life inside her. She turned to see if Ayasha was following, the girl might as well learn how to put the tack on properly. Liliana never bothered with it when she was on Grace, she liked being bareback, but seeing as the girl was young she would need to have something as a support for her.

Table by Marit


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