dust on your fingers.

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Ouija D'Angelo

She had left him. Hadn't said a word but had just up and disappeared. Though it wasn't like she owed him an explanation. She had no cause to inform him of what she had planned for her life. It was when he had found her gone, along with many others, that he realized just what he meant to her. He meant absolutely nothing to her. She had gotten what she desired out of him and just stole away into the night. He had thought that there had been at least a friendship there but that didn't appear to be the case. He wouldn't have tried to stop her. It would have simply been nice to be informed.

He had even tried following her once but had ended up giving up still some distance away. Luckily he had realized before it was too late, before he had confronted her, that stalking after her was a foolish gesture indeed. She didn't even have a passing interest in him. He had been noting more than a pawn to be used then cast aside as soon as his purpose had been served. Still he couldn't deny that he desired her even now. She was much more than a passing infatuation to him. She was his soulmate, the one that he had pledged himself to.

The howl that broke forth through the still of the night was one that he knew. He could hardly believe that he was hearing it though. Why should he be hearing it? He didn't chalk it up to his imagination since he didn't call up auditory hallucinations in order to cope. No, he was still as sane as he had been before. He simply knew his place better now. Even so he had pledged himself to her. He would do whatever she desired of him. And it was that obligation that had him heeding the call. That obligation which had him following the sound to find the source of it.

"You summoned?" The words were voiced in a neutral tone. She had called and he had come just like the obedient little puppy dog that he was. But that was simply him. Once he pledged himself to something he stuck by his word. He could be said to be loyal to a fault. And that could pretty much be said to be true since here he was with his attention focused on the ground. He couldn't even look at her now that he realized that his place was somewhere far below this beautiful Goddess. Certainly she was only here because there was something that she desired that only he could do for her. Perhaps a refresher on the contents of the gris gris? Was she having trouble finding what it was that was needed to fill it appropriately? It was the only thing that he could think of that he alone would be able to help her with. Anything beyond that she could get from someone that she deemed worthy of her time and attention, someone that was allowed to know more about her than he was.

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