dust on your fingers.

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Ouija D'Angelo

Perhaps he was of dirty blood. He couldn't really say. He didn't know the beliefs of Khalif but he would have been spared because of his coloring. He would have been welcomed rather than shunned just because of his paleness. Or such he had been told by talks with Misery. Larkspur, because of his darkness, would never be wanted and accepted there. So even if he was dirty blooded he could still walk into the home that Larkspur would be unable to return to without risking death. So how dirty did that make him really?

Perhaps there was an air of something regal contained within his step, he was the painted king after all, but it was just a natural occurrence for he was doing nothing out of the ordinary. He had no one that he was trying to impress. There was no one that he needed to impress. He simply was who he was. With his height it was uncomfortable for him to slouch. Not to mention that it was bad posture as well. So he wasn't really trying to do anything special but just moved with his own natural grace. And well, it could be said, that the movement of his hips had earned him quite a bit of favor within the cult. Though he had also gotten a few glances over here as well.

"There is no reason for you to apologize. You owe me nothing." He couldn't blame her for his own interests if she didn't share them as well. He had been blinded by his own desires and hadn't even considered hers. Though he should have realized that they weren't shared after she had left him once she obtained her gris gris and knowledge about it. He was just a means to an end and that was it. He had come to accept that and wasn't going to press the issue any.

Slowly he lifted his head, eyes trailing up the glowing smear with interest and skimming over the gift that he had given her until he finally settled his gaze on her face. "What is it that you desire?" There was a twitch of his lips as he spoke, a hint of a smile, but it quickly faded. Sure, he was glad to see her again but it also pained him as well. Since she had left without a word it had been impossible to get her off his mind. Still, he wasn't upset with her either. How could he be? No, he was neutral, entirely blank. His voice hadn't held any sort of tangible emotional tone to it. He was only waiting to be commanded so that he could mindlessly act.

He wasn't a broken creature though. He still had his own life and he lived it. Just as he still had the same desires but he was holding himself back. He was doing just as he would do with Addison. He refused to move towards her and get close. He wouldn't reach out to try to touch and embrace her as he had previously done. She had shut him out the last time, same as Addison had done on their first meeting and continued to from time to time. He only needed the one lesson to remind himself to keep himself in check. Something had happened and he was no longer allowed to touch, that was all he knew and all he needed to know. He was simply here because of a pledge that he had made. No matter how much it hurt him he would always be around for Eris just as he said that he would. If nothing else he was true to his word. That was the one thing that could always be counted on with him. He had loyalty instilled with him. It was a lesson from that cult that he couldn't undo, not that he would ever really want to. He cherished what he had learned there even though it was different from the way things seemed to be over here. And well, those core values and beliefs had brought him close to Eris the first time. As much as it might hurt now he was still glad to have met her. To know there was at least one other that shared in his beliefs.

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