grave reunions

He replied quickly, much faster than his sister expected of him, and she was surprised to see as he approached her that he used a cane for support and walked with a limp. Blue eyes widened; had some horrible tragedy befallen the AniWayans who had left the Great Tribe? Clearly, that had to be so, as her brother was wounded. All relief faded from her features, replaced with concerned and even outright worry as he ushered her inside and to the soft bedding she took to be his. Of course, she sat without complaint, keeping her gaze upon his age-worn features. His arms opened wide for a hug, and she accepted it in silence; her own arms found their way around his torso as if clinging to some important memory.

She took one deep breath before releasing him, returning to her feet in order to take a few short strides away. "There have been problems back home, that's why I came to find you." As she spoke, her voice grew softer; there was truly nothing good about what she brought from the Great Tribe. Creme fingers combed their way through loose, waved locks of reddish brown and charcoal grey, twisting braids about the joints of her five-fingered hand. Beads clunked together gently and feathers made gentle brush noises in the air as she tried to gather her thoughts through the cloud of exhaustion that had overtaken her. "Doda's gone," she whispered, glancing briefly over her shoulder before allowing her eyes to close. Mongwau let out a mournful shriek in the distance.

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