The behemoth just grinned from ear to ear, wanting to yip happily at her in the way that he had never really known. He had always been a more quiet man, even when he was younger, expressionless and stone cold. But as soon as she started trying he wanted to run around her in such a childish fashion yipping happily that it even surprised him that the emotion crossed his mind and that he almost moved to start. Finally he calmed himself a bit the energy coming from him almost too much to bear. Then her first shot thumped across his ear and his eyes moved quickly to watch its flight before it hit the ground short of its mark. But to his amazement she already had another arrow notched and ready to go on its way by the time he looked back up to her.

Then away the arrow went, and it found its mark. And her angelic voice crawled across his ears then, giving him a minor case of goose bumps. Saluce beamed at her and nodded politely before his hand rubbed her back in praise. But the day was starting to get long on them, mid-day had just passed and if she wanted a tour then they would need to get on with it.

“Well Miss Amata, should we continue on with our tour? We can put the bow back up for now, although I’m afraid we might have a bit of trouble seeing it all if we walk along on two pads instead of four?” he was wondering if she wouldn’t mind roaming around in their more natural forms. It would take some time off their trips from one location to another, but two legs would be fine if she didn’t want to. “Only if you want too, two legs will work if we don’t stay to long at one location.” It really was too much to try and do in one day but he didn’t mind, surely she’d be back and he could show her other places that they didn’t get to see today.

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