Something Old, Something New

wc; 338

The leader sat, sketching the latest flower of her collection, when something shifted in the air; a new scent arrived, and the sound of gingerly crunching leaves accompanied it. Lifting her eyes from her work, she spotted the newest member of the pack; Giron Felorn, the scent hound with the peculiar hat that had arrived at the borders not too long ago. He seemed like quite the amiable fellow, and had spent the past few days resting; understandable, considering the state he had arrived in. Currently, the man was sniffing one of her flowers; she thought it may have belonged to one of the decorative types of plants. She was about to say so when he spoke.

"Nice to see you, too, Giron," she said to the male. He then commented on her garden - she smiled a bit; she had spent hours upon hours in this garden, and she always loved when someone complimented her hard work. "Thank you; I worked hard on this garden ever since the pack was first made. The first garden was blown away by a hurricane, however, and I had to rebuild it. I think it's doing nice - bless you!" she exclaimed, surprised when the other emitted a sneeze.

The sudden switch of subject brought Skye back to her senses. "I just finished up planting some more plants in the garden - bayberries and opium poppies, to be exact," the woman said, closing both her books and looking at the garden with love. She had been devastated when the hurricane had ripped her old garden to shreds, replacing it with debris of stone and moldy wood. She had cleared it out and decided to wait for spring to plant her garden again; once she did, however, it flourished once more beneath her gaze. She knew that she paid more attention to it than most anyone in the pack, but she didn't mind; this way, she could always keep track of it, and use it for trade and other uses of the green-leaved sprouts.

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