time like pennies in a jar

Word Count → 371 Lol eris likes that he preened himself for her. <3

He was smaller than her -- she could see this clearly, and that only added to his mystique; she wondered what he was, having experience only in coyote and wolf hybrids. She knew she was not only wolf and coyote, but dog, too, but she was quite certain none of that showed in her, having no idea that her stark coat and the way it would remain quite black throughout her life was quite the sign of doggish blood. Beyond that, she had met a few dogs on her way up north. Their ears had been folded, however, and this one's ear fold might have even been an old injury. He meandered closer to her, and Eris watched him warily, though she took a few steps forward herself, not wishing to appear afraid -- she wasn't, simply cautious. This had been stressed to her by Sirius, and she had been easily swept in the notion that their new pack would be quite the curiosity. Perhaps he was right. She had paid especially close attention to Anathema's borders, but they hadn't seemed quite so busy as the neutral area surrounding Salsola.

He spoke, and she looked very nearly surprised by the twang of his voice, though pleased -- Eris liked accents and strange voices. Tlantli's voice was a favorite of hers, reminding her of home and Eterne, and she supposed she might have carried such a hint on her voice once, too. If she had, however, it had long faded upon her return to Inferni, as she had spoken English and she had been taught to speak English by someone from this very area. Upon speaking, he seemed to notice her gaze and straightened up, adjusting the strange adornments on his body and fiddling with his hair. Amusement showed in a curved smile at this, and she briefly leaned her weight on the stick, waving her opposite hand in the air dismissively.

“Well, I am here, so there's no reason to go any further that way,” The words were spoken sweetly, pleasantly, and punctuated with a brief laugh at her jest -- she was the reason for this trek out here, of course! What other reason could he have?

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