dust on your fingers.

Word Count » 708 OOC here: Table & Coding © Sie; You know it is fine and I don't mind small stuffs as long as it adheres to something my character would do/allow

Ouija D'Angelo

He allowed his his hands to be taken but made no movements of his own. He didn't try to hold her hand in return but rather he just allowed for himself to be used. Certainly that is what all of this was, her just using him once more. He couldn't blame her though she he allowed for it time and again. He sorta had to since he had pledged himself to her. "You owe me nothing." He repeated himself once again. He didn't expect anything at all from her. Or at least nothing more than a request for something else that she desired. After all that is just what it was that he was waiting on. For her to state what she wanted from him so that she could end up leaving him once again.

He didn't try to stop her when she released her hold on his hands but just allowed for his own to fall limply back to his sides. "Well I am right here. Is there anything else that you want?" He responded automatically, his words still hollow and empty. He wasn't certain how to act o respond since the relationship that he thought that they had once had turned out to be false. There wasn't a friendship there as he had imagined there to be. She had shunned him just as Addison had done before. And so it was in that careful manner that he dealt with Addison that he was dealing with Eris. He refused to get close or say too much lest he should upset her.

The male shook his head as she seemed to think it necessary to explain herself. "You never have to tell me anything. I pledged myself to you not the other way around. I was the only one to believe in the sharing of a soul. It is fine, you have nothing to worry over. You have your own life and I realize and accept that I am not a part of it unless there is something you need or desire. I apologize that I didn't realize sooner that we weren't truly friends." He wasn't upset but accepting of the situation. It was more that he was disappointed in himself for not realizing any of this sooner. It hurt to learn that the one being he thought he had a true connection with turned out not to share it.

He sighed and looked away from Eris, looking instead to the insect flickering about. "I had no lady at the time you left. Addison was just a friend, a relation, that shared a den with me. She simply didn't wish to stay alone since she felt I was the only one she could trust there." He wasn't certain why he bothered to explain the nature of the relationship with her. It was likely that she didn't care in the first. But while they were busy sharing private information he figured that there was more that he should end up getting out in the open. He could share his own explanation for why he was acting as he was.

"Eris, I..." He began but found that he could only finish it up with a shake of his head. Ouija held out a dyed hand, keeping it still and steady, as he watched one of the bugs flicker around it for awhile before finally landing on it. Gently he closed his fingers around it and turned to face Eris once more, holding out his hand with the captured bug in it towards her. "I am interested in you. I find myself continuing to think about you, always wondering what you are doing and if you are okay." The confession was finally made in a rush. He wasn't certain why he had told her other than he felt that he needed to. She lived in a different place and so it wasn't likely that he would see her too often, or ever again after this. After all why would she want to be around him after he had said what he had? He sounded like something of a stalker. And it was made even worse because he was certain that she didn't feel anywhere close to the same as he did.

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