His eyes only looked at the cream colored Sadira woman. The Frenchman slowly strode up to her after that look she gave him, his body rubbing against hers. They both seemed extremely versed in communicating with body language alone, and as he stopped next to her, he gave her muzzle a quick lick, before looking out at the vineyards. Saluce’s eyes looked for any visible signs of Nayru and Farore’s work here, he guessed they may not have gotten to the part yet. Finally his eyes looked back over to the lovely she wolf beside him and he yipped at her to follow him.

His form meandered along the rows, taking it slow, so she could take it all in. He stopped from time to time, wagging his tail, letting his icy blue hues look over his once doctor, turned friend, turned definite future love interest with a wolfish grin across his face. Finally though they would reach the main facility, where the wine making process was done at one time, his eyes instantly started noticing the changes made. Nayru had been doing an excellent job and the grapes near the building had been pruned and weeded and the vines looked like they were coming back with vigor.

His nose pushed open the door and he back away to allow her to enter first. Everything seemed simpler now between the two of them. She hadn’t reacted withdrawn to his playful licks and physical contact, he guessed for now it was still best to just keep on the slow path he was on.

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