(J) Through the eyes of a pup
The pup nuzzled against his mum, and playfully rolled about as though trying to avoid the cleaning. After all, what pup wanted to be clean? Taliesin didn't really object, but the game had to be played out: he struggled, she pinned him, he cried, she ignored him, he grudgingly got cleaned, and she let him go; it was tradition! The boy was glad to see Deuce though, he had missed his mum, even if he wasn't sure why. He just preferred her to Lucifer he guessed, though Noah preferred Lucifer, but that didn't matter now, at last he had his mother again.
He thought to ask where she had been, but then he had an odd concept that maybe he shouldn't, it just didn't seem like he should. Taliesin didn't care for these feelings that told him to or not to do things, but held no explanation; it would have been so much better to know why. Why... he found himself asking that question quite often lately, and he once more wondered why. Did the reasons behind things matter that much? Or was he just being a nosy little puppy? Then it struck him that he was a nosy little puppy, the pun -though he didn't understand the concept of puns- hit him as funny and he giggled as much a wolf could. It turned out to be an odd noise that might have been called a growl at any other age.

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