I Knew He Was Trouble..

Out of character text here.

Anger flood the Spaniard's mind, his vision quickly tainted red as soon as he heard the word, 'Don't worry, I'm gonna get that bastard...' He ran a hand across Mizu's face and let himself calm down before he tried to tend to his mate. Luckily he was polite enough to pay attention to his mate's work.

Standing quickly as soon as he had let Mizu's words settle, J'adore moved quickly towards the bookshelf. Finding the right place he soon found the book Mizu was on about and quickly scanned through it. After finding what it had said to get, J'adore found the mortar and pestle, quickly juicing the herbs til the mortar was filled with a herby flavoured liquid. Reading the book again, he pulled a flask from Mizu's bag and poured the herb juice into the water within it. The cabin was a mess but J'adore didn't care, placing the flask on the table J'adore pulled Mizu into a sitting position. 'Here drink this'. Though I doubt it will do anything, J'adore thought, after all I made it/.

After searching in Mizu's bag a little more J'adore found some gauze and bandages and set to work binding his mate's wrist. When he was finished J'adore sat on the chair next to Mizu, eeling bad that he could not do more.

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