why do you build me u[p], buttercup?

Thank you~! ^w^ And I guess I’ll just be slow in replying.... OnO! My class assigns a lot of homework, which is sad because it’s online and so I’m always tempted to write before I get my homework dones, haha! >~<;;

The dark male’s response to the name of her hometown caused the female to paused. The first place he named was not familiar to the Korean hybrid. Ah-soo.... Ah-seu.... The word was long and he had spoken fast—fast for her to be able to catch all the sounds—and the fae could not even repeat it in her mind. Australia was a place that she was familiar with, but it was known by the name 호주, or “Hoh-joo.” But the hybrid did recognize the second location. “Rluss...Rluh-ssi-ah! Ohk-keh-i, ohk-keh-i,” the alto voice replied, nodding her confirmation. “Koh-ree-ah Rluh-ssi-ah nehk-seu to.” With her hands, the foreigner indicated that the countries were nearby. A strange, mirthless smile was tried upon her lips as she attempted to convey her agreement. His next comment caused her to pause again, her ears straining to catch every word and translate them in her mind. “Eung,” she voiced, a mere sound of agreement. “Beh-rlee, beh-rlee lohng tah-eem.” Her homeland seemed quite far away, and while she often longed to go back, the regret of leaving had not yet taken effect within the martial artist. The black-furred fae at this point was pretty proud of her interaction with the male. Despite her inability to speak well, she felt that she had done well in getting her point across. Perhaps living here wouldn’t be so hard despite the struggle with communication that she would have to deal with. Of course, this sense of accomplishment would be short-lived, as her interaction thus far was quite simple.

Having released the trapped male, Berrett, and his pack, the Korean hybrid shook herself, causing the dirt and debris from the trees to fall from her fur. A soft sound of amusement escaped TaeKyung’s throat, although whether mirth was present was not made clear in that strange and hollow laughter. “Cohll T.K.,” the alto voice suggested as her hand patted her chest, indicating to herself. “T.K.” For those who did not speak Korean (and she assumed that all within ‘Souls did not speak Korean), pronouncing the words were difficult. Sometimes she did not know why—a lot of the sounds were similar. But then again, she must sound equally silly when pronouncing English words.

“아, 엄마가?” She spoke mostly to herself. The bag was special, she decided—a token from his mother. She herself had not brought any possessions, although she often wished that she had. It was fun to practice taekwondo with her uniform and belt, or even to dress up on holidays in the hanbok—traditional wear. Even some jewelry or keepsakes from her childhood. But nothing had been taken for the journey. TaeKyung decided that she must have left in a rush.... But, at the same time, none of the things she had left behind had been that precious. She could live without them—she was doing so now. Her heart didn’t need them (she claimed). Ascending from the deep of her thoughts, she curiously peered inside the bag, glad that he had decided to reveal the contents. They were things that were both familiar and foreign, and she quietly sniffed at them, as if to gather some extra information.

At Berrett’s thanks, the martial artist straightened to attention, before bowing curtly again. “Noh teu-reh-beul,” the alto voice insisted. Although she thought, the lunar orbs turning to the dark ceiling of the dark woods. “TaeKyung huhng-geu-ree,” the alto voice announced suddenly, a graceful paw rubbing her stomach. She had been hunting (and training) before she had been distracted by this friendly brute. “Poo-deu?” the black fae asked, pointing to his pack, the dark crania tilting slightly as the ears pricked foreward. Perhaps there was a small snack he could share with her. If not, there was always another request she could make—one that was perhaps what she really wanted from this wolf, Berrett.

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