how we gonna pay

Am going to not be as fast in this thread, since I want to know more certain what will happen in the thread with Deuce... It could, after all, affect this thread a lot ^^;

Alright, so the other wolf did at least understand him. Though he'd obviously not been listening. Otherwise he'd have heard Umbra introducing himself. Or maybe -- Umbra almost snorted -- he was paying Umbra back for treating him like a child?

"Like I said," he stated calmly, refusing to let the other rile him with his ribald sense of humor, "my name's Umbra." After hesitating for a moment, he decided he might as well explain. "I apologize if you took offense; when you didn't reply at first, I thought you might not be too familiar with the language. I met another fellow a while back who wasn't."

There, that should satisfy etiquette, should it not? While Umbra wasn't too keen on being polite with the freaks -- he suspected this one was, too, especially if he was involved in some way with that female he'd met earlier -- he'd learned a temporary lesson with the one who assaulted him. And that lesson was not, as one might assume, that it's better to be polite. No, it was that it's better not to get caught being impolite.


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