Sticks and Stones

It was obvious that the other wolf was at least making an effort to understand him. An ‘a’ for effort. Red was beginning to get frustrated though, maybe just because of the language gap, or maybe because he had the feeling that this creature wouldn’t understand even if they both did speak English. Right about then the wolf said something that made his point. He sighed audibly and shook his head slightly.

He perked his ears at the other’s question. Red suddenly moved very quickly to the nearest tree and shot up the trunk in a manner not unlike a cat or squirrel. The Luperci climbed onto a low branch that could hold his weight and looked down at the black wolf. Red crouched down, hanging his arms between his legs and regarding the other. He patted the branch he was crouching on fondly.

”Yo fue here first. I here, then wolf a otro come.”


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