The sea clears all
It wiiiill happen

Strel did not react initially when he felt the hand smack his rear. But the moment he sat back onto it, he turned to eye the man that had done it with a dirty glare. "Oh don't be pulling that innocent stuff on me, Noss, I know I'm not haunted by an ass-slapping ghost," he growled lightly, quirky half smile on his face. "I'm onto you, mister," he added as the man changed the topic. Well, more like elaborated on the topic. Strel rolled his eyes at that, choosing not to give an answer. Of course he enjoyed it. What was there not to enjoy? It was a lovely moment between two people who cared about each other and their bodies. The redhead, quite frankly, loved those moments when the two of them lost their intelligence and lost themselves in each others' arms. It was rather nice to fall onto of Noss and.. that thought was dangerous, especially when the redhead wanted to keep the moment clean. Okay, clean enough.

Bottles were hard to open, and Strel had to give Noss props for trying. He himself had a hard time at the beginning opening bottles, but he had never really done so before and no one showed him how. The redheaded man chuckled as he gently pulled the bottle out of his lover's grip. Fumbling inside the picnic basket, he pulled out a corkscrew. The metal was still lacking rust, though the handle was a little bit worn; Strel had found it had been chewed when the humans still lived, most likely by a teething young pup. He twisted the screw into the cork all the way and then pulled it out with a satisfactory pop. "Yep. And I usually just use my claws. Like I just rock the cork back and forth in the neck while I pull; takes a bit longer but works just fine. I figured we could be fancy today." Strel chuckled as he took Noss's hand and put the bottle into his palm. "There you are, darlin'."

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