m-You Know I Make You Wanna SCREAM


Table & Coding © Hickey; *snickers* Already putting in a mature warning before Bastion is around. Plus Bastion needs to learn to sew in order to stitch up his live autopsies; 716 words


The small boy was out late, no doubt. But he was still a short sprint from home. He felt relatively safe where he was at even if he was out past dark. It wasn't like he ever worried too much. He could take care of himself well enough even if he didn't exactly look like it. He didn't have physical strength on his side but he did have his mind. And well, he had his puppy whenever the other male was around. He knew that he could always rely on his puppy to help him out. And really the other was only a call away. Or at least he was fairly certain that Janos was within a distance to be able to hear him should he alert that he was in trouble.

As had become a routine by now Bastion had bathed himself in a floral bath to cover up the scent of the pack. He also had on his pair of panties in order to cover up his mark with. These were preparations that he took each time he left the area of the pack. It was something, at least he assumed so, that everyone did when they wandered away. And well, Bastion was getting used to the sweet smell that permeated his coat. It was perhaps another thing that led to his feminine like qualities. Even more so with the panties hiding away his sheath from view beneath the stretch of fabric. Of course it as his scent that always gave him away, if not for that then he could almost past for a young girl not yet at the reaches of maturity for the body to fully fill out yet.

Even his mannerisms were childlike. The reason he was out late was because of his fascination with a small mammal. Actually it was with a couple of them. It was the smallest that had his full attention though. The ermine looked to by riding around on the back of that bunny. It was a strange, yet quite amusing, sight to see. But eventually the bunny had fallen over, vanquished by the smaller mustelid. And of course Bastion had to celebrate the victory of the smaller with a giggle and a clap of his hands. No doubt the sudden noise scared it off and had it darting into the hole that was once the rabbit's home but now belonged to the stoat.

Bastion claimed the kill for himself, picking up the bunny to look at the back of the thing's neck where the small bite mark was at. He poked at the wound as he explored it. The young boy wished he had something else to enthrall the stoat with so that he could watch the display again but he had nothing. Oh well, he just ended up seating himself on the ground to play with the rabbit instead. The warmth was leaving the body now that the life had fled but it didn't stop Bastion from placing the animal on it's back so that he could use a claw to cut open the belly in order to peer inside.

The flesh was peeled back from the incision so that he could open it up. He leaned his head down in order to sniff at the opening before he lifted it back out of the way again so that he could poke around. He pulled out one of the smaller organs and held it up to his face to that he could examine it. Of course that examination included having looked at it, sniffed it, and having licked it. He then tried to fit it back inside where he had taken it out from but couldn't manage to get it back in again, or at least not the way that it had looked when he had pulled it out. It was like a jigsaw puzzle and he simply couldn't figure it out. He had taken it out but it didn't fit back in the way that it had been removed. Why wouldn't it work like it was supposed to? The small wolf was tempted to just give up and toss away the piece to just end up forgetting all about it.


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