time like pennies in a jar

Word Count » 419

the world shudders as the worm gets its wings

Though Eris had seen much of the world, until Salsola, she had not truly understood it. Salsola itself was not a plenary epiphany, even -- it had been a crescendo, various parts of her life falling into place, piece by piece. After the foundation Salsola, however, it was as if her world perspective itself had shifted perceptibly. This was not such a gradual thing as finding Larkspur, motherhood, Sirius -- the shift had been sudden and without warning, and she had found herself a queen, perhaps again. She had never truly been Eterne's queen; she could not even claim that she had been queen of the Kimaris. They had pretended for her well enough, but now she knew the difference.

He had not asked about her ‘harem,’ but instead implied its existence as factual. Her lips curved into a smile, and that was all of pleasantry from her. It was a shift as sudden as her greater change in perspective with this accusation, albeit in between the lines of his words, of keeping something back -- the smile and warmth evaporated from her with unbelievable swiftness. What had been a face of pleasantry now reflected only calculation and coldness as her chartreuse eyes roved over him with renewed vigor, seeming to inspect him now rather than merely appreciate. There was no aggression or anger within her; it was the impassive face of one indifferent to the plight of the paler canine before her, with his adornments and his piercings. She appreciated them and him no less, but they were irrelevant in the face of more pressing matters.

“You would leave your kingdom for my... harem,” she said, her words smooth until she hesitated before ‘harem,’ her look toward him knowing -- she would confirm his unasked question, in her un-answer. “It happens I'm fond of pretty faces, and so we're always in need of them,” the coal hybrid said, a faint ghost of her smile returning, though it was gone again as quickly as it had appeared, leaving only the lizard-like calculating green eyes and the thinly set line of her mouth. “But I wonder -- what services did you provide to your old kingdom, and what offense did your king and his followers pay to you?” she asked, now drawing a hand to her face to stroke her chin curiously. She would know why his loyalties had shifted, and whether they would shift away from her and Salsola before she granted him so much as their pack's name.

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