[M] Speak To Me
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

OOC here!

Word Count → 000

It had been weeks since Io had ventured to Halifax, months nearly. There had been little need for supplies since there small trip to a nearby village. But now Io felt the need to gather more things for herself. Most of what she had gathered on her last trip were books, recipe books related to her hobby. Io had found herself that day in a jewelery shop. Most of the shiny things had long since gone and the majority of then wooden stock had rotted away over time. Though there were bits and peices here and there that caught the hybrid's eye and what ever did was place safely inside her satchel.

The woman now sat on a crumbing wall, the corner had long since collapsed and the brick were strune around the remaining wall. The sun was at it's peak although under the soft shade of the tree, whose roots may or may not have caused the wall to collapse, it was a pleasent temperature and the often gentle breeze made it feel like heaven. Io had no current wish to return to Inferni yet, it was much more appealing to be out in the city, it reminded her of home, which, despite it's shady background, she missed.

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