there are so many ways to wear

Her attention on keeping her stuff from falling out of her arms, picked up as it had been in rather a haphazard bundle, she didn't look at him as he spoke, alleviating her guilt for nailing the hole in the table. That was kind of him, she thought. He was not obliged to put a newcoming outsider at her ease. When she did look up, she found the other luperci draped casually on the couch, his vivid colours hardly muted by the failing near-sunset light, and asking her about the whisky. Even though she'd taken a few swigs already, it wasn't quite enough to remove all self-consciousness. He seemed easy and relaxed in his manner, and she wanted to show the same confidence, for one reason or another, wanting to make an impression on him. She looked down at the bottle as if checking its label, though she didn't need to, then raised her dark eyes up again with a short "Whisky." Pinning her tool roll to her side with a long-feathered elbow, she proffered the bottle in her free hand, for him to take if he wished. "What's your name? And... we have treasure?" she added on a surprised note.

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