(J) Through the eyes of a pup
--OH! Dude! i know exactly what ring he just found! LMAO--

When she and Lucifer had called it off, Deuce, in a fit of pique, had taken the ring he'd given her off the chain it had been on. And deliberately lost it. Evidentally, she hadn't lost it good enough. Taliesin nudged it clkoser, and the mother eyed it like she would a snake. A particular nasty snake. that was poised to strike.

After a moment, she sighed and picked it up. A long time ago, your father gave this to me. The humans used them to symbolize their commitment to eachother. When they became mates. They called it marriage. Your father made me a special dinner, and gave me this ring. He promised me forever....

The sadness in her eyes said something along the lines of 'forever was a lie'. And it was. not even two days ago they'd decided it wasn't working. And that they were free of eachother. The love had gone...somewhere. Barely two months after the birth of their sons, the mateship was over. Forever indeed.

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