flint and ignition.

God I love Raz.

Time had been kind to him. Razekiel was getting on in years, he knew, but the aches and pains of old age had yet to touch him in the least; he knew it was most likely because he spent nearly all waking hours with marijuana smoking at his lips, but the drug was considered medicinal anyway, wasn't it? Being free from aches and pains thanks to the drug was his due reward for spreading such peace and love in the Great Mother's name; the coy knew she smiled down on him with pride.

But Nayru, she had been much further blessed by the dear Mother. She was a young woman now, an adult. She had surely come to know true love and true hate, had seen racism and the evils of the world firsthand. He did not know that she had succumbed to such evils as well; the male could not tell, but at first glance she only older than her child-self, now a thousand times prettier, a thousand times stronger. She admitted he had not changed and he grinned, taking her hand and spinning her in place, chuckling lightly to himself as he did so.

"A leader! You're like the heat, man!" he exclaimed, bursting into airy but jovial laughter. "Far out, Miss Liberty, totally righteous! The fox meets the fuzz, man! Right on!" He spun her again and caught her in his arms once more as she rounded, squeezing her tightly before plucking a flower from his dreadlocks and placing it gently in her hair. "I beat feet a long time ago, man. Got real screwed up during a big snowstorm, ended out out west real confused-like and hung out with some wicked Frenchies, you dig? C'uhtates bonns, my chair!" A giggle, and for a moment he gurgled more of the language with a poor tongue to himself.

"Anyway, I trucked back here 'couple weeks ago, been chillin' with that ol' sadsack Jefferson ever since." An innocent smile. "Dyin' to go back up north, though. Totally golden, man, you should see it!"

image © Sean R @ Flickr ; table by lin
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