I'll find strength in pain
[html]ooc: O: It is an awesome table!

Fion was still setting things up when the female approached. He looked up with a bright smile, though it faded only slightly at the dominant position she took and the dangerous glint in her eyes. Fion, a street rat before Daemon had picked him up--or rather, before he'd climbed into the back of Daemon's wagon and simply never left--knew better than to mess with people with that glint. He pressed his ears back to half-mast and tucked his tail a bit, his grin wavering a bit the way a small child's might when they were in trouble. Mornin'! Wu're new in gen'ral, 'rrived only a co'ple nights ago. He answered as brightly as physically possible--which was pretty bright, for Fion; he was a naturally happy person. He got up and brushed himself off, holding out a hand over the blanket covered in wares. Ah'm Fion. M' master--craft master, tha' is, teachin' me 'is trade--is aroond 'ere somewhur too. He said it loud enough to warn Daemon she was out here, more for his benefit than hers; he didn't want to startle the man with her presence.

Daemon had returned to the doorway at the first sound of Fion's voice, his cloak and mask firmly in place though his dark eyes peered curiously through the cut holes at the woman confronting him. Her stance was mildly threatening, or protective; Daemon couldn't decide which. Either way, it set his mind on edge, and he completely ignored the pain of the sun's heat even through the cloak in order to go and stand behind Fion, offering silent support--though for what, even he was uncertain. Fion was certainly surprised to see him, and he shifted uncomfortably, knowing the masked, hidden man would most certainly bring up more questions than less, as he'd probably intended. He wasn't nearly as intimidating as Fion sometimes thought Daemon assumed he was.

Though Daemon, in truth, was never thinking of intimidation; he only remembered the numbers game, from before, and remembered that two was better than one. Sometimes. He rather hoped this female wasn't one of the one's who was better than five, as Felix was.

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