Warmth of the soul
404 words

The red pup forgot all his fears as soon as Luna took him in her arms. That was something that she had in common with younglings. Life was a game, something to enjoy as long as it lasted. And Luna tried to enjoy herself every minute of her life, playing, feeling the breeze on her fur, the soil under her paws, the sunlight in her face...everything was enjoyable. Puppies enjoyed these simple things too, and that was why she enjoyed their presence so much. The example was here: Jiva enjoyed his ear-scratch as if it was the best thing of the world.

The female's head rose as the light-grey colored male's encouraging words turned into a sad memmory. Her lime-green eyes the male with concern. To have a child who suddenly grows up and leaves you must have been a hard blow for the father. She observed how Niro tensed up as a response to his thoughts, but she returned her attention to the puppy when he demanded it, taking out Luna's smile again and earning another scratch behind the ear. When Niro's voice rang again, the woman casted her head up again to see that he had already collected himself. "Thank you for your kind words Niro. And do not blame yourself for your kin's actions. They have minds of their own, and their decisions are their's. However, i think that there are other things that still need you." The caress on the back that she gave to Jiva emphasized her words. "Children are, indeed, a blessing..." The chestnut wolfess couldn't find words to complete the phrase, so she let out a soft sigh instead, returning to her old, serene mood afterwards.

Her hand stretched towards her statchel. She had almost forgotten about the bitter-sweet berries that she had been eating a while ago. She hoped that she didn't take the wrong berries, but she felt relieved when she lifted her hand and foung a stick charged of green leaves and round, bright purple fruits. "I don't know wether this will help or not, but i hope that you like them anyways. They are blueberries." She said, offering the berries to Niro. Then she looked to her right. Kali wasn't there anymore. She supposed that she had hidden, because she could sense her presence. So she returned her attention to the young pup standing in her lap. "Would you like some too?"

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