I'll find strength in pain

Suspicious Sky is Suspicious. >.>

The boy's bright response was enough to ease Sky's temper a bit, her tail easing into a held-up sway. I see. She glanced up at the sound of footfalls nearby, spotting the masked man in his cloak as he made his appearance. The boy's master, no doubt. She watched him with a sharp eye as he came to stand beside his apprentice, never speaking a word. That sway in her tail stopped and her guard came back up. ...what kind of luperci in his right mind would wear that heavy cloak and mask in the early summer? She cocked an eyebrow at him, but continued to be friendly.

I'm Sky Katruk, Cecatori D'Arte's medic. She'd always announce her co-rank first, being more proud of that than her 'songbird' rank. My clinic's nearby, She turned a bit to point it out, the brick and stone building visable from where she stood, just barely. ...and it's open to anyone who needs aid... She glanced down at the boy again, that glint returning. ...just in case you ever need the help. Her eyes went back to the taller, masked male.

Might I know your names? If you're new to the area, it's better to have a few people know you around here. We've had our share of trouble makers. The look in her eyes was intentional, as if she were warning them against becomming one of those trouble makers. She certainly looked capable of bringing down any who crossed her path the wrong way, with sharp claws and toned muscles showing through thick fur and long legs, despite her small size.

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