I'll find strength in pain

Maternal instincts > Suspicious Nature

Sky glanced up at Daemon as his younger companion made a sure note that he could use a medic. For a moment, concern flashed through her eyes. She was about to ask what for when the boy's hood fell down during his attempts to get Fion's attention. She caught on quickly, based off his bandages and those furless ears of his. Hairless? Probably not by birth or choice either. She remained quiet, her eyes not really leaving Daemon's hooded form, as Fion introduced the two of them and then went on to worry over the mention of trouble. She glanced down at him, finally, with a slight smile. Her offensive posture became calmer as she spoke.

Not if I have anything to say about it. Her tone was stern, though she meaned well. D'Arte's a place for equality and peace. We've had enough hardships this past winter and spring. If I find anyone's causing trouble with anyone, even guests or newcomers, I'll personally rip into them. To make a point, she clacked her teeth together, producing a rather sharp 'snap' sound. You and Daemon are safe here, as long as you don't intentionally cause trouble.

That out of the way, she looked back up to Daemon. Your fur's missing. She stated rather bluntly, though not accusingly. If it's troubling you, I can take a look and see if I have anything that can help. If his skin was sensitive, she had quite a few herbs that could help. If it hurt, she had pain killers. Infection was easy. She doubted being able to return his fur to him, if it hadn't just fallen out, but at least she could help him feel more comfortable.

That voice finally faded from her mind. These two were packmates. Family. Not people to be suspicious of, at least for the moment. Fion, the kid, was simply looking out for his friend Daemon, and the hooded Daemon was probably just trying to make a living... and a life for himself. What better place to do so than D'Arte's Thornbury?

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