Beyond Borders
We may have a coyote joining us in this thread later, if she still feels like posting, which will make things interesting. Do you want this to take place before or after Windseeker’s joining thread? Not that it matters much but I just want to have the timeline straight in my head XD.

His voice startled her, but she did not jump up. Frozen for a moment and then she turned to meet Slay’s eyes, blue meeting blue. Then the surprise was over, and she smiled easily at the male.
What’s with you and sneaking up on people? Her voice was steady and controlled, playful even, as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred. Not because she hadn’t been surprised, of course she had been, but aside from the initial moment when she froze, which had only last a second or two, Cercelee was skilled at concealing any and all feeling, if she choose to. Still, an uneasy feelings came over her, that too was kept completely within. Certainly he had followed her all the way from the pack, that much was clear. How had she not realized she had been tracked, and for so long? And why was Slay tracking her? Not that she minded, but it struck her as odd, why hadn’t he showed himself sooner?

Cer’s eyes stayed fixated on Slay. She smiled again, letting go of her unease. If anything, she was grateful it was Slay and not someone will intended harm.
Since you’ve gone through all the trouble of following me, then I suppose that you can come sit with me. You must be a bit tired after the trek, I kept a steady pace. Still she continued to stare at the male. It was strange but the fleeting memory of Red tried to surface in her head again, only for a second, before she pushed it out of her mind. There was no connection and no reason to think about that, not now at least. (Was there?) Cercelee did not allow the incident much time to be thought about, mulled over, so she couldn’t understand why it bothered her, and why Slay made her think of it. Was it only that Red had spoken to her in the same manner she knew Slay to use? Breaking her gaze she moved her eyes back to the water, it didn’t matter, it was of no importance. There were better things to think of, she was sure. Sighing she looked back to the male, her voice softer now, more serious. Did he think her crazy for all these crazy expeditions? How often was she in the pack lands versus out of them? You know, I don’t know why I leave so often. I love the pack, I really do. I don’t want to leave the pack. It’s just easier to think outside the lands sometimes, easier to breath sometimes.


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