Beyond Borders
OoC: Tis prolly easier to say afterwards, that way we don't have to figure out exactly how much earlier it is. :3 Ooh, I hope she does, I wanna meet a coyote! 8D

Slay was silent for a moment, a small smile playing on his lips. "I wouldn't feel the need to sneak up on people if they didn't feel the need to seek out bodies of water all the time." He tilted his head slightly to the side, his pale blue gaze meeting her darker navy blue. She seemed... troubled. That would be the best way to describe it, since Cer was normally more... vivacious? Confident? Playful, maybe? Perhaps the best way to explain his spontaneous desire to follow her was that he was worried about her.

He silently padded over beside her, accepting her offer. At least she hadn't condemned him for his quirky behavior - most likely because her own behavior was just as odd. What a strange afternoon - what would the night bring, he mused, if dusk was on its way already... The big male let his eyes shut, enjoying the sun's warmth on his black-daubed muzzle. No sense fretting over every little thing. Live and let live. He found himself hoping that Cer would confide her troubles in him, since he apparently had a habit now of blurting out whatever was bothering him to her. Maybe he could even the burden up a little, help her out? But that's only if she feels like talking to him, Slay grumbled inwardly. And Cer didn't come across as a touchy-feely girl, so it wasn't likely...

"It seems Colibri has the same sentiments as you. I haven't seen much of her at all lately; seems that she likes to get away to think. I can certainly understand that, though, it's not like I've never wandered aimlessly before. And you have a lot of responsibility on those slender little shoulders of yours, so I doubt anyone begrudges you a stroll every now and then."


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