
Word Count → 263 :: Thanks for joining! Switched tables a bit since the last one was a bit dark on my monitor.

Locke lightly dragged his claws across his scalp in an attempt to calm himself. His thoughts were a cacophony of noise, and it took all he had not to growl out of frustration both at himself and the situation he found himself in. There was no denying that he wanted this, deep down, but the idea of it being a final stopping point on his long journey towards self-acceptance was frightening to the vagrant. If he couldn't find the solution here, then he didn't know what he would do. He couldn't just leave now.

He lifted the hand Naniko had cut and gave it another long look as he rested his forehead in his unmarred palm. But before he could console himself, a soft voice cut through the air (amplified by the caverns high ceilings) and startled him out of his intense musings. Locke started and his muzzle whipped around while his gaze searched for the source. White filled his vision and he looked up to meet the atypically colored gaze of the albino canine.

The dark clothing he wore was simple but the fact that he wore clothing at all was what surprised Locke. It wasn't often he came across other luperci willing to even sport such garments. Realizing he was probably looking quite the fool by sitting here in stunned silence, Locke straightened a bit and offered a nervous chuckle. "Um... yep, that'd be me." He ran his hand down his cheek, scratching at his neck before lending his own smile and an extended hand. "Sorry. I'm Locke, er, Locke Lamora."

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