time like pennies in a jar

Derp. Ramble-y dumb post! WC: 277

Denver watched curiously, intrigue only flaring as her tone and posture changed perceptibly. Pink lips curled into a hidden grin; she'd caught on. Denver's desire to know was only sparked by his discovery. He must get in. He deserved to belong to such a special group; after all, he was royalty. Grey-flecked brows raised, ice blue turning away for a moment, considering the sea.

"What kinda smart guy wouldn't want to be hangin' around a bunch'a pretty women all day?" he asked in accented words, head turning back to face her. Denver's thin smile turned into a grin, his eyes narrowed. His head bowed vaguely at her comment; he already knew he was attractive. He would fit right in with the other pretty people; he would be sure of it. No more mistakes this time.

Now Denver would wave a hand in dismissal, nearly laughing as her question snaked through his ears. The dark goddess Eris watched him with similar curiosity. Feeling her eyes, her judgement, he straightened for a moment, clearing his throat and sidling closer to her.

"No offense paid, miss Eris; the Kingdom was friendly 'nough, I s'pose," he started, eyes flickering to the sea as the sun's reflection drifted towards the horizon. "Nah, the place's just borin'; I need some more spice in m'life, y'know?" he murmured, crossing his arms over his chest casually, as if they were just two friends talking on the beach; maybe they would be. "As for m'services, well..." he began with a low chuckle, leaning in and muttering between them. "You can be sure that I can... provide for all yer ladies. I've got plenty'a skills, Eris," Denver said slyly, brows raising as a smirk inched it's way across his lips. "What d'you need in that harem a'yours, besides pretty faces, hmm?"

Denver's knowledge and skills were widely varied, but considerably extensive for his age. When it came down to it, though, the boy would always prefer to be lazy; if he could find someone to do it for him (whatever it was), he would. His body and appearance was one thing he wouldn't trust other people with, however. The kinky-furred dog was nearly religious with his exercise. If nothing else, he had strength and endurance.

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