Teach me what mother won't
http://img512.imageshack.us/img512/2166/ghitattm9.png); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

OOC: Sorry for the wait! T_T

She was both relieved and unsurprised when young Silvano defended his sane mind; it wasn't that she expected him to keep a blind eye to the beauty of his sisters, but she always hoped that she and Savina had instilled that sense of wrong in their children when it came to the prospect of relationships with family. Others had saw no problem in the idea — several of the nomadic wolves she'd lived with while in Italy were such creatures — but the Marino woman was disgusted by it. With a weak, tittering laugh, she rubbed at her forehead and gave a brisk nod. "Of course, of course. Don't mind your Zia Ghita. I think the years are getting to me." Her exclamation was followed with a pat to the shoulder for her nephew, who had been so patient in listening to her ramble.

The conversation, as it went on about Jazper, made the woman laugh yet again. Silvano was so inquisitive. "No, I liked Jazper just fine. I say we couldn't talk because I did not speak much English, like I do now, and he did not speak Italian." At the idea that Jazper might have done something stupid, the woman felt a heat in her face and looked away as if guilty; well, yes they had done something stupid, but that wasn't for the ears of her nephew. Savina knew. It was enough that her sister knew that the Marino-Knight family had been made entirely on the back of liquor and lust. "I did not ask because I do not care; he loves me, and that's enough. I do not need to know what he thinks of me." In truth, she didn't want to know.

The gentle shove eased the thoughts and nerves of the Marino woman and she offered her sister's son a smile. "You have time, I just don't want to see you kids rush in and get yourselves in messes." They were still the babies of the family, and Ghita had always found it difficult to let them go. Even Aro and Sophia, as they grew, left the mother with an ache in her heart.


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