Not sure if I can trust again
Word Count: 510 (5 points)

Songan began to wonder why this she wolf did not have a home yet. Surely if his brother had picked up on this fact before, he would have helped her to find a place or also offered her to stay with him. He wondered if any of the other tribe members knew she didn’t have a home too. His ears folded down half way to the thought. He didn’t like to think that others didn’t care enough to help her. He shook his mind of the thought as he looked back down to the white she wolf. He moved his ears back up and kept his smile on his face as he saw her’s. He did not wish to make that smile fade. She then began to speak and offered her help with cooking. He nodded and spoke softly. "That sounds good Amaterasu. I’m sure I’ll be able to go out and find us a little something to eat once we get back to my home."

Songan looked to the she wolf, who seemed a bit scared about being up on Rain. He thought for a moment and then spoke again. "Amaterasu, is this your first time up on a horse? I’m sorry if it is. I didn’t wish to scare you." The male kept his arms around her hips so that she would not fall off. He had good balance and with him being taller, he would be able to keep her up on Rain’s back. As they went though the village, he looked to the she wolf to see if he could spot her reaction to riding. Perhaps she would end up liking it after all. He was not a horse expert, but he knew basics. He would at least be able to teach her how to move the horse.

As they came to Songan’s home, he pondered if the white wolf would stay when Sanuye came to join him. He hoped she would, but it would be better to wait until the coyote was here to see. Once he was done with the pelts, he sat in his area and watched Amaterasu sit down in her spot. He looked outside and to the sky. He was sure he would be able to find a little something while he was out and something they could eat. "Why don’t you wait here Amaterasu? I’ll go out and see if I can find us something to eat. " The rust wolf carefully rose to his feet and went outside. He didn’t mind if the she wolf looked around at his things while he was gone. He took out his knife from his holster and began to head into the woods. While he was out, he picked up some sticks and twigs he could use to make a fire in the fire pit back in the tent. He stopped back to drop them off and rubbed them together to get the fire started. He gave Amaterasu a warm smile before heading out into the woods again.


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