time like pennies in a jar

Word Count » 545
I looooove you be quiet <3

the world shudders as the worm gets its wings

Eris did find Salsola's women beautiful, though she did not fnd herself attracted to them. The men were much more of her own tastes -- Larkspur was her favorite for his physique, all hulking mass of man, with the appropriate strength to match such thickness of muscle. It was this she wanted to see more than anything in her own children, and this very thing she saw blossoming in Pandemic and Salvia both. Sirius was her favorite for his mind, so sharp it seemed a wonder he kept it locked in his skull at all -- it would have seemed to slice right through the bone cage of his skull and run amok to its own desires, if it could. Citlali was her pretty favorite, all decor and somber quietness, a thing she appreciated in men, though she was now thoroughly annoyed enough with Larkspur's seeming lack of social experience that she wouldn't so thoroughly attach herself to such a canine again. Miqui she did not know so well, but gazed upon from afar, along with his exotic sister. They were coyotes, she knew, but she held no animosity to the species, just a particular few sects of them. She would not be so blind foolish as her mother to discriminate on species. Pandemic was perhaps the most beautiful of them all, produced from herself. He would grow up to be the desire of them all, their gorgeous little prince.

“And if me and mine can't provide enough spice for you, you'll depart to some other harem in pursuit of some other tail,” she said, drawing back from him with a curt smile. “But that doesn't concern me so much as the question of whether or not you can handle the kick of our spices,” the sable-shaded woman said, still regarding him with that glinting coldness in her eyes, reminiscent of the glittering metals adorning her ears. As was so often the case, sex and violence had become blurred to the sable-shaded woman, and it was no longer clear in her mind whether she spoke of one or the other. “If I would ask you to shed blood for us, would you?“ the hybrid asked, plainly curious on the matter. “Would you provide for our safety, or would you command others?” she added. She wondered if he possessed the cruelty and the mind to contain their slaves -- it required a certain kind of finesse, she knew. It was finesse or chains. The latter was necessary in some cases, but she wouldn't have a slave-master so unthinking as to adopt a slave they could not control. Denver did not strike her as such a canine, though she did not knew him. His disloyalty to prior homeland had set her at unease, however, and she might ask of him more than she would others she allowed in their midst.

Eris would not have weakness in their demesne; she would not allow for weaklings to infiltrate their ranks and soak up their glory and good life. Denver did not strike her as particularly weak, and his physique spoke of physical strength enough for the umbra-hued woman. The question now remained on his mind, and whether or not it was of sound making enough for the Salsola lifestyle.

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