
Crappy post Tongue.

J'adore stood tall, his daggers hanging on a belt around his waist and the large hunting knifes behind them. He had left his satchel at home, for he had nood wish for the weight to weigh him down on a chase. Although he was merely escorting the hunt, he supposed it would be worth it to hunt for himself also. He turned to Ayasha with a smile. 'Yes I am, have you got a knife? I think that's the only thing you'll need.It may be a good idea to leave your bag so that it doesn't weight you down when your running'. That was what he was doing. His bag was back in his cabin.

With a swift way of his hand, he swept away Ayasha's concern. 'I'm fine, just a little accident. I'm going to take it slowly today, the scar still hurts a bit'. The pain wasn't sharp like it had been a few days ago, more a plusing, numb feeling every so often. Easy to ignore.

As Saxif approached J'adore smiled, 'A an actual hunter'. He beckoned her over to where they were gathering. 'You are more than welcome to join. I'm just escort so I may not be much help and Ayasha is doing the scouting. So perhaps we will get an elk between us'. J'adore paused as he took his time to shift into his larger Secui form.

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