Hey nonny nonny
i feel like it's been way way too long since i've had a thread with you :/

Mati seemed to be perking up and the redhead couldn't help but return her playful, suggestive smiles. She nudged him, and he returned the favor by nudging her back with an elbow. "You are so nosy, Mati." Well, yes and no. She was only because it was him. Strel was sure if he were anyone else she would patiently wait for them to spill the beans. But with him, she could joke as she pleased, but he did too, so it was only fair, right? He nudged her again, rolling his eyes at her curiosity. In her place, he would not have been any different. But he did want to know more about what she and her lady did behind closed doors. Okay, not intimately, because that's just gross. At least, it grossed him out to think about lady parts and what two ladies did with two sets of lady parts.

"Weeell," he began, stretching his arms up and back, grinning slyly as always. "Since you oooh so desperately want to know..," he added, drawing it out further. Just because he could. What a nuisance. "I mean, he lives in my room at the Hotel, and I usually end up sleeping against him during the night... so that would mean sharing my bed, right?" He gave her a look, almost sheepishly, too. Strel glanced behind him and saw a tree; he sat beneath it and motioned for his friend to come join him. It was, after all, a long walk from the Court to the Dreamers.

Strelein rolled his shoulders against the tree, grinning. "Well, the trip to Halifax had been to find materials for cloth+es, actually. And so I - wait a minute." The redhead fumbled with the yellow scarf around his neck, briefly struggling with the knot. Once it was off, he smoothed it out in his palm. "I bring a gift for my discoverer. Sort of appeasement that I don't get tortured and beaten as a spy," joked the redheaded man as he offered it to Mati.

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