Sticks and Stones

Poor Red. And poor Umbra, too XD

If Umbra could have been more taken aback and dismayed, he didn't want to know. This was horrible. Not only was it a freaking shifter, but it climbed trees! What was it? A squirrel? He just blinked up at the now tree-borne freak, too shocked to say anything at first. Yet more proof that shifters were. not. wolves. He shook his head a little.

"Right," was all he could say when he found his voice again. "Well, I'm not intending to steal any trees from you. In fact, I was thinking of moving on. I'm heading west, you see, to hopefully find more of my kind. It was nice meeting you, however."

Indeed. Umbra had had enough of talking to this one, and if there was any information to be had, he'd willingly forgo it to get away.

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