if your stomach feels weak
Iskata had spent the past few days trying to figure out exactly what was going on. She knew what Haku had done and it was obvious that the coyotes knew too. She had just spoken to Fatin that morning about Ember's safety and the leader had asked her about joining their pack. In the end Iskata had given in and Fatin had accepted her into the packlands. The lady of silver and gold had spent the morning finding a new den location and figuring out how she was going to explain everything to Kansas. It had taken her longer than she'd realized to make her way to their temporary den, but when she got there she was relieved to find her son sitting outside basking in the rays.

Stepping lightly she quickly made her way towards where he lay, calling out to her son as she approached him, her voice showing the happiness to find him there alive and well. "Kansas!" She smiled as she moved towards him, amused at how lazy and laid back he was there in the sun. She wagged her tail as she plopped down beside him, panting after the jog through the woodlands she waiting as she tried to catch her breath, "There's something I wanted to talk to you about.." she said as she studied her paws, she wasn't sure how he would take her request.

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